Hi again, Blogosphere. It's me--some call me Serra, these days more call me the name you're seeing now, Pandora Wilde, which is the first name I could get Facebook to decide was a "real" name, since my actual birth name kept getting rejected by an auto-filter designed to keep out made-up names there. Whatever name you know me by doesn't matter. You know who I am, and now it's time to tell you I'm back.
I recently bomb-shelled this entire profile because I couldn't totally remove it. I felt like I had little to say these days--I've felt stuck in several ruts until recently, but it took bombing every word I've ever written to realize that I've actually started becoming Unstuck. Changes have happened--some by force of will, some by serendipity, many just because I wasn't watching my long-view, my vision stuck on making my body and mind get through the next event or goal or sometimes just through the day.
Since there indeed have been changes and I have raised my eyes enough to see at least one more major one coming, I once again feel the need to pull what's happening out of my head, put it somewhere that my eyes can look around it from all sides, and maybe amuse myself and the average 10 or so readers I attract in the process (that's usually the count on previous blogs I've had).
You're going to find a lot of what I used to post, because a lot of me hasn't changed--I'm middle-aged, I have a body that's becoming more of a House of Horror than an amusement park, my mind has a lot of diverse spaces that range from the absurd to the absolutely horrifying, and bitchiness is a survival tactic rather than a personality trait.
You'll also find a lot of the new--and so will I. I want room to roam through it all as I encounter it, and so I've started this blog, now that I'm Unstuck in Midlife.
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